Granted Patents

Granted Patents

Grated patents

The most innovative aspects of our solutions are protected by means of international patents

WO2015 / 150594 A1

Wind turbine assembly system and related method

The invention relates to a system for assembling a wind turbine without using cranes, which has lifting systems arranged peripherally to the tower , with a lifting platform, a base and an internal lifting mechanism. The lifting platform engages with different coupling tools that can be supported on an auxiliary column and thereby raise or lower the consecutive modules of the tower.

Granted in USA, Brasil, China & India Ep granted, validated in Spain, Denmark and Germany

WO2015 181401 A1

Screwed connection for a modular blade

The invention relates to a screwed connection for a modular blade, formed by a single bolt which connects inserts disposed on the flange of the beam, screwing together two opposing modules . A spacer is added to the central portion of the bolt and the bolt is pretensioned by means of stretching, with the modules being separated mechanically using a mechanical separator or thermally with the application of heaters to the bolt and coolers to the spacer.


Granted in USA, Brasil & China. EP Granted validated in Spain, Denmark, Germany and England. Pending in India

WO2017 / 140918 A1

Test bench and method of use

Patent of a test bench and test method to validate blade segments including modular blade connections.


Utility model granted in Spain  

WO2017 / 140919 A1

Test device for towers and foundations 

Patent of a connection for connecting a tubular tower to lattice work, the connection joining a tubular tower of an onshore or offshore wind turbine to lattice work that comprises a plurality of columns.

Granted in ES

174828 A1

WO2017 / 174828 A1

Device for joining a modular blade 

Patent of the expandable spacer that allows the tightening of the bolts of the modular blade connection, with low application force and high precision.

Granted in USA, Brasil & China. EP Granted validated in Spain, Denmark, Germany and England. Pending in India.

203065 A1

WO2017 / 203065 A1

Tower section for automatically raising a wind turbine and automatic raising metod for same 

Patent of the Self-Erecting Tower Stucture, designed to be connected under a standard tubular tower and be able to be erected without large cranes.

Granted in USA, Brasil,, India & China. EP Granted, validated in Spain, Denmark and Germany. 

WO2019 / 043272 A1

Connetction for conecting a tubular tower to lattice work s 

Connection for conecting a tubular tower to lattice work.

Granted in ES

129894 A1

WO2019 / 129894 A1

Control system of bolt pretension 

The present invention relates to a system for controlling the prestressing of bolts.

Granted in Spain, Denmark, China, USA & Germany.

ES 2761655

ES 2761655

Wind turbine tower foundation

The present invention presents a foundation for a wind turbine whose tower is made up of a tubular upper part and a lower part made up of at least three columns and their corresponding diagonals and horizontal joints. The union of the tower is established on three independent and equidistant foundations, each of them joined to its corresponding column.

Granted in Spain, USA, Sweden, China & India. Pending in Brasil and Germany.

WO2021 / 084143 A1

Transition component for wind turbine tower 

Comprising a hollow truncated cone-shaped, an upper ring with cross-members and a lower ring with struts.

Granted in Denmark, Spain, China, EEUU and Germany.


Fairing for a modular blade 

A fairing for a modular blade of a wind turbine generator, comprising a joining zone disposed between two consecutive modules of the modular blade. The fairing is comprised of different components; the suction side fairing, the pressure side fairing and auxiliary components, such as tabs to facilitate the joining of the components.

Granted in Great Britain. Pending in the rest.


WO2022 / 023586A1

System for a protection against lightning strikes for a modular blade and method of forming a stack

A lightning protection system for the joint of a modular blade. The joint comprises a number of coated metal elements by Xpacer â equipotentially bonded with a number of stacks disposed at the sides of the upper cap and the lower cap and with the lightning down-drop.

Granted in Great Britain. Pending in the rest. 

ES 1276849

New wind turbine and different foundation  

The present invention falls within the field of wind turbines, and more specifically in a new wind turbine whose tower ends in three legs and which is also attached to the ground by means of a characteristic anchor depending on the type of existing ground.

Granted in ES, DE, DK, CN.