Unlocking new heights, driving down LCOE
Nabralift tower
The crown
jewel of Nabrawind: NABRALIFT
Nabrawind Self Erecting Tower (Nabralift) is a cutting-edge wind turbine tower technology that breaks all the barriers that are restraining the growth of the wind turbines hub height. Nabralift consists on a three-column framed structure installed under the uppermost part of a WTG tubular tower and integrates a Self-Erection System (SES) that allows the installation of a full WTG (tower, nacelle, rotor) without using large-size cranes regardless of the final hub-height. The Nabralift Tower is a metallic hybrid support structure formed by:
- An upper metallic tubular tower segment larger than the blade, so that blade tip clearance is unaffected.
- A metallic transition part between the upper tubular tower segment and the frame tower segment.
- A straight frame tower segment constituted by several modules of uniform height, composed by three vertical columns and a x-type bracing in the three module sides.
- Tower foundation is dramatically simplified with Nabralift technology, with reductions in the concrete volume up to 80% compared with conventional solutions.
Market positioning
Towers Technology VS WTG Size
Drastic Cost Reduction
Tower full-cost (also including foundation, logistics and installation) is reduced by a 15/30 %.
Crane-less Installation
Self Erecting System avoids using large-size cranes regardless of the final hub-height, and allows the installation of the turbine at wind speeds of 15 m/s
Logistic Friendly
The modular approach of the Nabralift tower limits to 4.3 m the maximum diameter of all components, even for final hub heights of 200 m. As a consequence, all logistic barriers are removed.
Eco Friendly
GHG emissions are reduced by 40 % compared to traditional concepts. The assembly platform is also reduced by 40 %, limiting the site footprint.
From 2018 to present
Nabralift / Nabrabase
projects master plan
After the installation of the initial 160 m tall prototype in Navarra, Spain, in 2018, the first commercial turbines have been successfully deployed in Morocco (144 m, 2022) and France (102 m, 2023). Plans are currently underway for projects surpassing 190 m in height, scheduled for the years 2024 and 2025 in Australia, Namibia and China.
Tech validation
Nabralift / Nabrabase entry into market
Pilot projects andd portfolio improvement
The Self-Erecting
Nabralift integrates a Self-Erecting System (SES) that allows the installation of a full WTG (tower, nacelle, rotor) without using large-size cranes regardless of the final hub-height. For this purpose, the SES is able to hoist the WTG in intermediate stages and install tower sections under it.
Nabralift, together with its Self-Erecting System, breaks all the barriers that are restraining the growth of the wind turbines hub height.
that are restraining the growth
of the wind turbines hub height.
Self-Erecting System
Nabrawind's tower solutions are breaking main logistic and installation barriers" IQPC event 2024. Bremen (Germany)
Testimony IQPC
awards the Eolo Innovation Prize 2018 to Nabrawind
Nabralift tower technology has been awarded the Eolo Innovation Prize 2018. This prize, awarded by AEE on the occasion of World Wind Day
Trust in Nabralift to come true
Nabraflit has received various supports and thanks to them it is a reality
Join the wind of change
Breaking the barriers of the XXL tower
I want to do it too!