
NewsOdilon Camargo, co-founder of Nabrawind, honoured at Brazil Windpower 2016

Odilon Camargo, co-founder of Nabrawind, honoured at Brazil Windpower 2016

The cofounder of Nabrawind Technologies and president of Camargo-Schubert, Odilon Camargo received the title of Wind Ambassador at Brazil Windpower 2016. The award recognises his contribution to the development of the renewable energy sector.

During the ceremony in Rio de Janeiro on the 1st of September, Camargo spoke of the extreme poverty he witnessed in some of the states in Brazil, which have subsequently been transformed since the introduction of wind power projects. “In any location in the world, especially in developing countries, energy is of major importance in economic growth. A bright future awaits for them, where significant progress will take place”.

Specifically, with regard to the advances in the sector, he highlighted that companies are planning to produce larger onshore wind turbines in order to reduce as much as possible the cost of energy whilst maximising the energy yield of each position. “However, the current transport and installation of these enormous blades and towers is carried out inefficiently. The two technologies currently in development by NABRAWIND resolve both these challenges. The joint of the modular blade will be the lightest, most cost efficient and most reliable developed to date.”

Odilon Camargo (Lages, Brazil, 1953) is aeronautical engineer.  He commenced his career designing aerodynamic wind turbine rotor blades for the first commercial wind turbines in the German market. Co-founder of CAMARGO SCHUBERT Wind Engineering (, his company has produced the wind atlases of Brazil in most of its regional states and provides consultancy for more than 50% of the wind farm projects in Brazil.



Wind Ambassadors. Next to Camargo (on the left), also receiving an award, Bento Koike, founder of Tecsis and Mario Araripe, president of Casa dos Ventos.

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